[][src]Crate tokio_serde

This crate provides the utilities needed to easily implement a Tokio transport using serde for serialization and deserialization of frame values.


This crate provides transport combinators that transform a stream of frames encoded as bytes into a stream of frame values. It is expected that the framing happens at another layer. One option is to use a [length delimited] framing transport.

The crate provides two traits that must be implemented: Serializer and Deserializer. Implementations of these traits are then passed to FramedRead or FramedWrite along with the upstream [Stream] or [Sink] that handles the byte encoded frames.

By doing this, a transformation pipeline is built. For reading [json], it looks something like this:

The write half looks like:


For an example, see how JSON support is implemented:



Adapts a stream of buffers to a stream of values by deserializing them.


Adapts a buffer sink to a value sink by serializing the values.



Deserializes a value from a source buffer


Serializes a value into a destination buffer